The Dream Gig: Alvin Ailey at the Kennedy Center

This week, I lived the dream: I worked with Alvin Ailey. The Alvin Ailey Dance Company. At the Kennedy Center.

This is my wildest dream… happening.

Revelations Alvin Ailey

I saw the company perform when I was eight years old, and, to date, was one of the most inspiring shows of my life. I never truly understood – or valued – dance before that moment. I left that performance with a sense of possibility and inspiration– that humans could move in a way that was beautiful, powerful, elegant, and effortless. While it took years for me to personally “find dance”, that moment in the audience was profoundly transformative for me.

And for me, that was the bulk of why I was so damn happy to land this gig. To support artists and dancers, to be a small part of that process, has always been thrilling to me. And to be able to give so much of my time and energy to such a source of inspiration to me, was just… magical.

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Hi, I’m Aries — I’m a licensed massage therapist and I work here in Washington, DC, predominantly at Freed Bodyworks. This is a collection of my thoughts on health, fitness, pain management, injuries, stress management and self-care strategies.

I see most clients in relation to chronic pain and athletic injuries, including issues such as shoulder injuries, headaches, TMJ, carpal tunnel, low back pain, neck pain, and restricted movement. I also appreciate working with clients to foster relaxation and assist in stress management. I use deep tissue techniques (and “Swedish” techniques) to decrease pain, increase movement, and help people feel more at ease in their bodies. I am in the process of getting my personal trainer certification so I can understand more about exercise physiology, stretching, and fitness.

As a massage therapist, I seek to create a safe, non-judgemental space for all people to receive bodywork. I welcome people of all body types, races, ability, ages, ethnicities, sexualities and gender identities. There are many reasons to seek massage, and I look forwards to creating massages that fit your needs and your body.

You can book a session online here (even for a same-day appointment) to find a time that fits your schedule. For more information, you can call or text me (202) 670-3886, or shoot me an email at aries [at] freedbodyworks [dot] com.